Wednesday, 7 May 2014

DKIT Then And Now

This being my second time in DKIT, I was wondering how much the college would have changed and evolved.The only major change I noticed was they removed the automatic door, put in a revolving door and removed the nice water feature out of the reception area, which seemed to me as more of a step backward rather than progress, but then again that is purely from an aesthetic point of view.

The classroom still seems to have heating that kicks in on only the warmest of days(solar powered heating it would seem). The course starts at 6 pm so by the time I get in the well and coffee dock are closed, which is a bit annoying to say the least. A few times especially in the labs, other students were making a lot of noise and messing around with each other, very distracting, I mean this isn't a playground its a place of learning, this kind of behavior shouldn't take place here.


This is not to say that I have noticed nothing that has been improved upon. The WiFi hotshots in the college has been great improved. Facebook is now being used (apparently) by lecturers to contact students, whereas back when I was previous in DKIT the only way to access Facebook was by using proxy site,not that I ever did that of course.
The computers in the labs run smoother too and the software has been kept up to date.
Moodle is a new type of platform to me, it has great benefits and saves students hours and scribbling down notes for hours and hours, giving them a more time to listen and participate in class discussions. While this software is useful, the DKIT platform is still a bit rough around the edges and could really use a bit of fine tuning, as it can be hard to navigate and access the content that you are looking for.
Lecturers are more accepting of mobile phones now and the need for them which is pretty impressive too as when I started in DKIT in 2003, phones had to be off, now they have to be on, tweeting during talks and discussions, its pretty impressive.


Its hard when looking at the changes in the college to not look at the myself, I'm a little bit older now and a lot wiser, less college nights out and more nights in studying.
It has been a while since I was last in college and even longer for some others in the course,but a lot of the lecturers like Colin Cooney and John Sisk, I had been taught by previously,so it was good to know what to expect from them.
The course itself have given a vast array of new skills,reeducated me and brushed up my old knowledge, showing how important the internet is and how other areas are affected.

The point here is that my experience in DKIT has been a good one, Moodle has helped in with that, as have the lecturers. The course itself is actually enjoyable.Even with the one or two bad points I mentioned and I would recommend this course in DKIT to other people. The college itself has changed, maybe so have I.

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